
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Baby Kiwi- Introducing The Life of ''It''

 Keabway Kiwi McElwee Jr. also known as ''Baby Kiwi'' was born one week ago on March 14th 2013 at 9:30 p.m. EST.  It will be turning one week old on March 21st  2013 (today) at 9:30 EST, and the godparents and I, and the father, are very excited for that.

                                                                 BEFORE THE PREGNANCY
                                                                      Before Baby Kiwi was born... Well I actually had no clue when it was born! I just all of a sudden felt some pain, some nausea, and before I knew it, I fell flat on my stomach, on the bed! I was on a Skype call with my friend during the time too, and I had no clue what to do, since no one was home!

                                           DURING THE PREGNANCY
                                      So, like I said, I was on a Skype call, with the father, and the present godparents. Nobody was home! I started to go into labor. I kept breathing in and out, in and out, and it was tough! Finally, it came ''out''!  Everyone adored it so much! The 1st day went better than I thought!

I now take Baby Kiwi to school, and as cruel as it might be, ''it'' still gets enough care in my locker! We don't visit our lockers often, only like every 3 hours, so I can't support Baby Kiwi to often, but that's IN school.

Kiwi being held by it's Godmother/Grandmother (My Sister)
Considering I'm still in Middle School, you should know it was tough for me to have this baby.  You should know, the father, was not very supportive in the beginning. I actually thought we should have divorced already!  But then, the father realized how important Kiwi was to us! He could see that I needed help, and so he finally caught on, by developing the characteristics of a proud, loving, caring, supporting father, to our adorable ''it'', named Kiwi.

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